Blog posts in categories

  1. Psychology/life skills
  2. Disability/chronic illness/chronic pain
  3. Gender
  4. Mental health

1. Psychology/life skills

7 reasons not to automatically cut out the negative people

Be wary of being too nice

Believing in the law of attraction isn’t helpful

A new religion is growing: belief in the law of attraction and human ‘energies’

We need to learn to manage ‘choice overwhelm’

We are living in an alcohol delusion

Why we shouldn’t automatically describe low libido as a ‘problem’

Friendship is undervalued

Are they exaggerating their disability and, if so, why?

Feeling like a disability fake even when you’re not: judgments and dilemmas

Insightful post by Urspo on the usefulness of asking for help more, masculinity archetypes, and some tips: Spo-reflections on asking for help

2. Disability/chronic illness/chronic pain

It is possible to spend most of the day resting and yet have no free time

Louise Hay is a dangerous quack

Are they exaggerating their disability and, if so, why?

Feeling like a disability fake even when you’re not: judgments and dilemmas

Managing chronic pain: tips you won’t find elsewhere

Chronic pain: an unrecognised taboo

How to prepare for a physiotherapy (or hydrotherapy) appointment

A great post about judging others with disabilities and dealing with such judgement: “How To Cope When You Are Feeling Judged” by Despite Pain

We don’t need to get physical. Post by “Be A Teaching Unicorn” on special needs support practices and how to change them to protect kids and help them thrive

Insightful post by Urspo on the usefulness of asking for help more, masculinity archetypes, and some tips: Spo-reflections on asking for help

Government Finally Reveals That More Than 4,000 Died Within Six Weeks Of Being Deemed ‘Fit For Work’ (post by Kitty S Jones)

3. Gender

Now could be the time to let go of gender assumptions

Insightful post by Urspo on the usefulness of asking for help more, masculinity archetypes, and some tips: Spo-reflections on asking for help

4. Mental health

An in-depth reflection on the pros and cons of social media on our wellbeing

Why the arts might save your life

Depression Isn’t Sadness and Suicide Isn’t a Cry For Help… by Steve Safran